9th October 2015 – Alan King – CEO Blog
Before I knew it another month had passed filled with travel, new opportunities, project deliveries and company growth. So I put finger to keyboard on a recent flight to Perth, WA, conscious of my already looming breach of commitment for frequent CEO Blog updates!
During September we finalized the opening of our Dusk Mobile Poland office. This represents a significant advancement for the company by opening an office in Poland. The team is expanding and will provide full service into mainland Europe from Sales, Software Development and Support. October is a busy month of travel for me personally with WA, NSW, SA, London and Poland on the itinerary, with only 3 weeks remaining of the month.
Early October also saw the formal partnership establishment with Localz to deliver micro location services into enterprises. Dusk has been working with Localz for over 6 months and the synergies between our organisations are wide reaching. Having spent time at their London office in July, we are working on a number of exciting projects that will come online later this year and into 2016 across both hemispheres. A great team and product. This takes our formal partnerships to 4, with SAP, AirWatch by VMWare, ESRI and Localz.
Our Managed Mobility offering and license sales area has increased significantly during the month of September. This is an area of focus and through our partnership with AirWatch are looking forward to growing with them.
We have recently engaged a marketing agency to provide a consistent look and feel across all our platforms. The outworking of this engagement will see our company digital content and clothing branded consistently globally with merchandise being available for purchase in due course.
Something we don’t do enough of is talk about our successes. To improve on this we have put in place a quarterly email, to talk about life at Dusk. This talks about the team, the projects, and opportunities to work for Dusk in either a contract or a permanent capacity. Our social media channels are regularly used and we encourage our readers to join us via Twitter – @duskmobile, LinkedIn /company/dusk-mobile, Facebook – DuskMobile, Google+ – +DuskMobile or Instagram – duskmobile.
I look forward to sharing some more updates in the next blog post that are bubbling along currently. Until the next update……